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Yep, her off Babestation.

Here are 50 reasons why someone might dump you

We all have our relationship deal-breakers. Personally, I can't stand people who stink of sweat or use words like 'bants' and 'geezer'. Thankfully, I've been out of the dating market for some time now so I no longer need to filter out the riff-raff but for many of you, it's part of everyday life.

A recent study has revealed the fifty top things that are total deal-breakers, including having an irritating laugh and having bad breath. Fair do's really. No one wants to shove their tongue in someone's mouth if their breath stinks of rotten food.

[Image: 295mr]

The study questioned 2,000 daters and nearly every single person listed 'bad odour' and 'lying' in their top 5 dealbreakers.

  1. Body odour
  2. Bad temper
  3. Lying
  4. Being selfish
  5. Bad breath (cigarettes)
  6. Bad breath (unidentified food)
  7. No sense of humour
  8. Yellow teeth
  9. Eats disgustingly
  10. Having dirty clothes
  11. Being rude to waiters
  12. Had nothing in common
  13. Dirty fingernails
  14. Smoking
  15. Smelly feet
  16. Talking about exes too much
  17. Being sexist
  18. Bad fake tan
  19. Being jealous
  20. Being obsessed with money
  21. Took too many selfies
  22. Being cheap
  23. Bad breath (coffee)
  24. Can’t handle alcohol
  25. Referring to themselves in the third person
  26. Someone who looks at themselves more than you
  27. Dandruff
  28. Talked about babies/marriage on the first date
  29. Someone who doesn’t make you a priority
  30. Horrible perfume/aftershave
  31. Had piercings
  32. Being late
  33. Annoying laugh
  34. Being insecure
  35. A nasal voice
  36. Tattoos
  37. Bad make-up
  38. Friends didn’t like them
  39. Bad haircut
  40. Bad fashion sense
  41. Obviously checking out your body
  42. No career ambition
  43. Too much perfume/aftershave
  44. Big nose
  45. Had rubbish taste in music
  46. Still living with parents
  47. Bad shoes
  48. Had rubbish taste in TV
  49. Living with parents
  50. Wore brace

[Image: 295mt]

If any of these apply to you, you might want to make some changes if you want a second date.

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