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Yep, her off Babestation.

McKamey Manor faces huge backlash after waiver reveals they're allowed to rip your teeth out!

So I posted some clips and info last week about the world’s most extreme haunted house, McKamey Manor. Y’know, the place that makes you sign a waiver and get signed off by a doctor to prove you’re for and healthy to take part. Yeah, THAT place. Well more and more news is coming to light about this so called ‘haunted house’ and it appears that it isn’t a haunted house at all, and rather a brutal torture chamber where the owner can carry out his barbaric fantasies. 

[Image: 2rmbl] 

I’m not exaggerating here, the shit they’re allowed to do to do is messed up. Someone recently got hold of a copy of the waiver and posted it online and I shit you not, it’s truly terrifying. Firstly, before anyone signs the waiver they need to have undergone a sports fitness test and also have a doctor’s note, a safe word, proof of medical insurance and a background check. People who sign it are literally putting their life in these sickos hands. They’re literally consenting to having their hands smashed in with tools, getting hair ripped out, having fingernails ripped off, being choked and given hallucinogenic drugs and possibly having teeth pulled out with no pain relief. It’s fucking horrifying stuff. 

[Image: 2rmbm] 

Guests also agree to being subjected to sexual  assault which made me wonder who the hell is performing these ‘experiences.’ Certainly not actors! According to one source, the owner,  Russ McKamay actually hired previously convicted rapists and murderers to help him live out his depraved torture fantasises. Here’s the full post:

[Image: 2rmbj] [Image: 2rmbk] 

Jesus Christ. Why would anyone subject themselves this this?! I guess the lure of $20,000 prize money to whoever can complete it is pretty alluring buy come on, like the organisers are ever going to let you wall away with that money. The fact that no one has been able to complete it shows how fucked up it gets. This place needs to be shut down before someone fucking dies. It’s like the real-life version of Hostel. Remember last week when I said ‘I reckon I could do it’? Well, I lied!

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