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Yep, her off Babestation.

Dude seen hiking in bright pink thong & work boots

A group of hikers got a right eyeful when they spotted a semi-naked man on the mountain trail, wearing nothing but a pink thong and a pair of work boots. Apparently it made the women "uncomfortable" but I think those dozy cows need to lighten the fuck up. It’s only a pasty ass FFS!

[Image: 2r68l]
Maree Price, who was one of the members of the group, said she found the whole experience "off putting":  
On his way down, when we were on our way back up, he was wearing a pink G-string and work boots, his clothes in his hand. I'm not comfortable to go running the track on my own now.
[Image: 2r68m]

 Another member of the group had this to say: 
He ran past up saying ‘sorry girls, sorry girls, sorry girls' over and over, and once we had passed him, he started covering his bare butt!!!!
Maree is said to have reported the dude to the police, but was told he wasn't doing anything illegal. However, one police officer did say that they would investigate the issue if further reports came in, which is doubtful because what is the big bloody deal. It’s only a thong Maree! Maybe you should take a leaf out of ‘pink thong dude’s’ book and squeeze your cellulite-ridden ass into one for a change. You might find it quite liberating!


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