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Yep, her off Babestation.

Woman who calls herself Pearl Derrier, plans to organise world's biggest orgy!

A sex party organiser who calls herself Pearl Derriere, is planning the worlds biggest orgy but it ain’t just a free-for-all, as there are apparently three very important rules that attendees must follow. 

[Image: 2elr8]
29-year-old Pearl from Denver, lives with boyfriend Dan Patrick, but is also in relationship with her girlfriend Tomi Tailey. Pearl wanted to plan this huge sex party as a way of advocating the “sex positive” movement. She said:

People may think my lifestyle makes me greedy for sex, but that isn’t the case. People assume sex parties are something which have surfaced very recently - the truth is they have always existed, they've just been underground and under our noses the whole time.

[Image: 2elrb]
Pearl, who claims to have stopped counting her sexual partners when she hit the 100 mark, says she’s aiming to bang 1000 people at her upcoming party. However, before she or any other attendees start having fun, there are three important rules that must be followed - bring a partner or friend, wear a condom and under no circumstances are there to be any mobile phones. I mean yeah, you don’t want pics of your naked ass at an orgy plastered all over the internet. 

[Image: 2elr9] 

Pearl currently goes to orgies once a month, but is hoping that the sexual extravaganza she is planning may lead to a “sex positive revolution.” She said:  

I’m not sure what will happen, but I just know I want to be part of something I consider historically monumental to the sex positive community.

[Image: 2elra]
I mean it’s not for me but if that your thing, you should be free to explore that without backlash or judgement. It's a shame there won't be any pics from the party though, I would have loved to have seen it.

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