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Yep, her off Babestation.

Woman's tongue 'impregnated' by squid after tucking into raw seafood

Squid are pretty incredible amazing creatures. What other animals do you know that can squirt ink, have three hearts and can grown up to 12 metres long?! Squid also have a slightly unusual way of reproducing, which basically involves the male leaving his sack full of sperm, also known as a spermatophore, on a young female.

[Image: 2cslu]
Now I bloody love me some calamari, but I'll be thinking twice about eating it after this story of a woman's tongue was recently 'impregnated' by a squid. A 63-year-old korean woman was just tucking into her dinner of raw seafood when she felt a sharp stabbing pain in her mouth. After spitting out her food and seeing a doctor, she found out that her tongue and gums had been inseminated by the squid's sperm after doctors discovered found "12 small, white spindle-shaped, bug-like" sperm bags in her mouth. Vom! Doctors said:

As soon as she put a piece into her mouth, she felt like many 'bugs' were biting her oral mucosa. She experienced severe sharp pain and spat out the entire portion without swallowing. Despite that, she could feel many small squirming white bug-like organisms penetrating her.

[Image: 2cslv]

Apparently the internal organs of the squid hadn't been removed and with it being raw, it's sperm was very much still alive. The woman has since made a full recovery but I don't reckon she's be eating raw seafood anytime soon.

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