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Yep, her off Babestation.

Meet the hot young couple who added a woman to their relationship

When I think about polyamorous couples, I usually think of the overly religious, long skirt-wearing, bare feet types with a fleet of kids in tow. But Joey Triplett and his wife Crystal couldn't be further from my stereotypical idea.

[Image: 2cg25]

Joey Crystal met in 2001 and married a few years later, with their son Jamison arriving in 2009. But 12 years into their marriage, Crystal met Jamie at a car club and an instant spark was ignited. Crystal said:

Jamie came into my life and and we instantly became best friends. She was over here at our house with us every weekend, and as we got to know each other more, we just developed a romantic liking for each other.

[Image: 2cg22]

Her husband Joey added:

When Crystal finally came to me and told me that she had feelings for Jamie, I kind of already knew.
A lot of people think that Crystal and I had a rocky relationship and that’s why we brought someone else into the relationship but that’s not the case at all.We didn't even know there was a word for this, polyamory wasn’t a thing that we had ever heard about or talked of.I knew she was bisexual when we got together, and I gave them my blessing completely when it came to forming the relationship.At that point in time, Jamie and I had developed a really good friendship, I never felt threatened by her or that she would pry us apart or tear Crystal away from me.

Jamie, being the newcomer to the relationship, reassured Joey and Crystal that she didn’t want to break the family up, and within a few months, she had moved into the family’s home in Arkansas, as Crystal’s girlfriend. But it wasn’t long before feelings started to develop between Joey and Jamie. Joey said:

We spent so much time together, two attractive people hanging out, it was kind of inevitable.I pulled Crystal aside and was like, ‘I’m not trying to rain on y’alls parade, but I am developing feelings for Jamie as well’.

[Image: 2cg23]

Crystal did admit that she found it difficult to accept her two partners’ newfound attraction to one another, but four years on, they all live and love happily together in what they call a “polyamorous and polyfidelis closed triad”, which means they are all faithful to one another, and have no plans to bring anyone else to their relationship. Joey said:

We are 100% just the three of us. We don’t want or seek other people. That was the thing from the get go. We all realised that we were super lucky to have two people we are in love with, honestly who wants more than that?

Damn. Joey is one lucky dude, having two chicks on tap. I don't reckon many guys would turn down a double-blowy from these two!

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