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Yep, her off Babestation.

Red Hot Chilli Peppers fan buys tickets for bagpipe band 'Red Hot Chilli Pipers'

It's a pretty epic feeling when you manage to bag tickets to see your favourite band, especially when you get those tickets at a bargain price.

Duncan Robb, from Chesterfield, England, was thinking of taking a trip to Belfast with his girlfriend, so he decided to check out tickets for upcoming events in the area. To his surprise, the Red Hot Chili Peppers were playing that weekend, and at the bargain price of £25 a ticket.

[Image: 2bdz4] [Image: 2bdz5]

Duncan snapped up a couple of tickets for him and his girlfriend and headed to Belfast for an epic weekend. Unfortunately for him, the band he went to see was not the Red Hot Chilli Peppers, but the Red Hot Chilli PIPERS, the ‘the world’s best bagpipe band.’

[Image: 2bdz6]

With not much else to do other than have a good laugh at their mishap, the couple decided to just embrace the experience and enjoy the pipers.

[Image: 2bdz7]

If that was me I'd be pretty pissed off. Although the pipers were apparently pretty good.

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