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Yep, her off Babestation.

Turns out your penis can actually shrink & it won't grow back!

Studies have found that your dick can actually shrink over time by up to an inch, which is a heck of a lot if you're only 3 inches to begin with! I'm not talking about when the cold water hits it either, I'm talking permanent shrinkage! There ain't no coming back from this!

[Image: 2bacv]

The average dick in the UK currently stands 5.11 inches, with a girth of 5.5 inches, but research shows that there are a number of things that can shrink your dong. Unsurprisingly, one of the main causes of shrinkage is smoking, as the toxins in a cigarette can damage the blood vessels in your dick and cause the muscle cells to waste away. This would then lead to erections being harder to sustain.

Researchers studied the dicks of 200 men and founds that a smokers dicks was much shorter than a non smokers dick. They concluded that smoking inhibits blood flow to your penis, making it difficult for it to stretch.

[Image: 2bacw] 

As well as smoking, medication can also affect the size of your member, including antidepressants and antipsychotics. Talk about a catch 22?! A dude is depressed so goes on antidepressents. Feels better. Comes off meds. Realises meds have made his dick shrink. Goes back on said meds because he's depressed about his tiny cock.

[Image: 2bad3]

The other thing that can shrink your cock is one thing we can sadly do noting about, and that's age. Yup, aging can really fuck you over. As we get older, a build up of fatty deposits in the arteries could reduce blood flow and cause the muscle cells in the erectile tissue to degenerate. So we've all got that look forward to, expect me, I can look forward to my weakened pelvic floor and saggy fanny. Joy!

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