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Down with this sort of thing

This Swedish model has had 6 ribs removed to look like Wonder Woman

And that's just for starters.  27-year-old Pixiee Fox had over 200 procedures in total, spending more than £500,000 along the way.

I suppose you've got to admire her attention to detail, but at the same time I can't help but feel that some of the more subtle flourishes have gotten lost in all the noise of #demboobs.

[Image: wtfpixeefox-634x735.jpg]

Here she is shooting the breeze with Holly and Phil on This Morning...

You would, right?  Cool, just checking.

Though this isn't the first time we've come across Pixie (giggidy) on Rampant.  Check out this article from a couple of years and a few hundred grand ago.  

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