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Yep, her off Babestation.

Racetrack heist goes tits-up in new movie trailer for 'Logan Lucky'

A bleached blonde Daniel Craig, a thick-as-shit Channing Tatum and a one armed Adam Driver - this is the new trailer for Logan Lucky, Steven Soderbergh’s new heist film.

[Image: 28bwt]

The movie is set in the world of Nascar racing and revolves around a pair of dumb country brothers trying to figure out how to make some money after one gets sacked from his job. Their plan is to steal all the money that gets moved underground for the Coca-Cola 600, the biggest race of the year. To do that though, they're going to need some help from someone with more than one brain cell so they enlist the help of an convict, Joe Bang (Daniel Craig). It looks like one hell of a bizarre and entertaining movie.

The film is due for release August 18th 2017.

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