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Yep, her off Babestation.

People reveal the reasons why they called off their wedding

I've known several people who got married knowing that they probably should have called it off. Unsurprisingly those marriages didn't last because the foundation was weak as shit. At least these people on Reddit got out before they took the plunge. Some of their stories are pretty insane.

My wife's best friend called it off because she found her fiancé trying on her lingerie. I was never sure if she was upset that he was a cross dresser or if she was angry that he wore her panties without her permission.


Shortly after I proposed her mental state became...strange. I would find her cutting her hair at 4am. She would binge-eat. Sometimes her sentences were incoherent. The words were correct but it just didn't make sense. She would start fighting with me in the morning before I went to work, as a way to delay my departure for the day. After one bad fight, I got a call from her mother - she had made a suicide attempt during the daytime.

She ended up spending 2 weeks in psychiatric care, during which time she was diagnosed with adult onset schizophrenia. Naturally, I was feeling like I was about to enter into a marriage with a woman who was incapable of making her own decisions.
She had another incident that ended with her breaking every bit of glass in the house - dishes, windows, picture frames, some of her art, you name it. I basically told her parents to come get her.
Just so you know, this short summary doesn't speak of the year+ I spent trying to get her to take her meds, to see a counselor, begging her family to be involved (they were in mega-denial). In the end I left her in their care, but she was not getting the treatment or support she needed. This was a once beautiful woman of gentle temperament who had been my best friend and most favorite person in the entire world.
She's out there somewhere, right now, living with dysfunction.

[Image: 2860d]

'We' called ours off 4 months before the wedding, because she wanted an open relationship.
Translation: There's another guy I want to fuck in addition to you.
Me: Nope!


I was the best man at my best friend's wedding. I'm gay and I had a crush on him - unrequited except for a couple of playful things during some camping outings - and that may have been part of my desire to not see him get married. But even greater than that was the fact that the girl he was about to marry was just pure evil. She was an opportunist who had isolated him from his friends. She wouldn't even let him have a bachelor party without her being there, so we didn't. She had manipulated him into asking his grandmother to buy them furniture for a future home and putting it in storage and already owned about half his mom's jewelry. She convinced him his friends were plotting against them (and I guess we were) and she constantly insulted him in public, correcting the way he said things, criticizing his clothes etc.

So. Day of the wedding we are all in the church basement. I asked everyone to leave and give us a few minutes. I told my friend that I supported him no matter what but if he was having any second thoughts then stopping the wedding now would be so much easier than unraveling the whole thing after he was married. I had parked my car at the top of the back stairs and said if he wanted to we could walk right up the stairs, get in the car and just pick a direction. He stood up and we went.
I told another friend what was going on and he told my buddy's mom. She announced it to the church of about 200 people. His family stayed and ate and drank and her family left.
We drove 5 hours to New Orleans and had a hell of a time.
He's now married to a great girl that is super cool and they have what I feel certain will be a gorgeous girl on the way.

[Image: 2860e]

Co Worker went to a stag night in another state. Stag was wild with strippers.

Now, in my country both strippers and prostitution is legal. However most strippers are not prostitutes. Particularly the ones you hire for Bucks.
Anyway the groom fell in love with a stripper. Either she was a prostitute or she really liked him. Groom had sex several times over the weekend with the stripper.
He went home and confessed this to the fiance. Fiance kicked him out and called off the wedding. A week before the wedding.
Groom tried to get in contact with his beloved stripper. Stripper gave a fake name and a name number.
Worst bit. He bare backed the stripper

I should add my story to this thread seeing as it's so apt. My parter actually called off his wedding 4 months before it was due to take place because he met me and it was just love at first site. It got a little messy and the ex didn't take it very well but hey, we've been married 8 years now and we're still going strong.

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