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Yep, her off Babestation.

Ryan Reynolds guests as Deadpool in 'Logan' Honest Trailer

Screen Junkies recently hit their 200th trailer so to mark this impressive milestone they decided to give Logan the Honest Trailer treatment. Not only that, but they also roped in a pretty incredible celeb to guest voice the trailer - the legendary Ryan Reynolds AKA Deadpool.

[Image: 285wu]

As proof that Logan was an awesome movie, the Honest Trailers Voice Guy Jon Bailey, has to enlist Deadpool’s help because he’s having trouble finding anything in the movie to rip the piss out of. Even Deadpool struggles to rip the movie and just ends up talking about his love for Hugh Jackman. Let's face it, we all love Hugh Jackman. I'm still gutted that we'll never get to see him play Wolverine again, but at least we have this hilarious trailer.

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