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Yep, her off Babestation.

Guy lets out loud fart during weightlifting bet

Farts can happen at the most inapportune moments, which was certainly the case for this dude who's mates asked him if he could do a bench press.
Twitter user @mheaden31 posted this video of a bunch of guys betting their friend that he could do a bench press of what I'm guessing is a pretty hefty weight. If he was able to do it, he'd win $20. Embarrassingly for him, as soon as he starts to trying to lift the bar, a massive fart rips out and his mates start cracking up. The guy holding the camera is actually heard screaming in hysterics.
 After the guy gets over his mortifying moment and his mates pick themselves up off the floor, the friends give him another chance to win his $20. Turns out, he really can't do that bench press.
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